Top Goal Setting Books

The great thing with books, music and art is how many fantastic and inspiring experiences we can generate from them. The terrible thing with books, music and art is finding the correct choices all the time!

Goal setting is a popular theme in business and self development. There is an endless amount of publications and so I have created here a short list of publications based on a mix of personal experience, market reviews and accessibility across the planet for purchase.

The list below has 10 books but on purpose I did not place a number next to each of them. Each book has it’s own benefit, edge information significance, influence and potential impact to the reader depending on their background and current knowledge levels in goal setting.

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.

— William Styron

The book listing offers a mix of personal development and business focus themes. If your business is serious about goal setting, performance management, goal management by using the correct data, metrics and KPI’s then this list should help add value to that journey.

  • The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure: Grant Cardone

Grant introduces the 4th degree of action to establish, create and achieve huge goals. Often used in business to help stimulate change management the process of “massive action” and remove risk or chance from your success.

  • Goal Setting For Success : Eddie De Jong

A recent book published in 2014. The book has a clear focus on personal goals and the personal development sector as it’s initial target. There are clear action steps and a clear start point to build a foundation from.

Books turning pages

  • Getting Things Done : Dave Allen

Dave Allen’s approach in this book sounds counter intuitive however the results have proven following the “Getting Things Done” approach works for many to attain their goals. Many people are attracted to the “do it, delegate it, defer it, drop it” guide for email handling and his tips for focus retention during change as a refreshing method to handle the realities of today’s lifestyles.

  • Goals: How to get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible : Brian Tracy

Brian has an established position mostly in the USA for his self development empire. This specific book was published in 1989 and some European cultures may find his style a little too sales positioned. This should not distract the reader from recognizing and respecting Brian’s many decades of research and work in this field. He provides a 12 step program to help start with focus and clear step actions to make your goals.

Reading whilst waiting

  • Achieving Stretch Goals: Best Practices in Manufacturing for the New Millennium (Prentice Hall International Series in Industrial and Systems Engineering) : Johnathon Golovin

This is becoming slightly dated but remains highly valid for its work and contribution to industry. Stretch goals whilst addressing key business areas such as quality, speed, performance management and costs.

  • The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be : Jack Cranfield and Janet Switzer

More of an inspirational guide than a classic formula, this provides 64 principles (yes 64 of them) used by successful people. I personally think a list as long as 64 may be too many for someone to implement, remember and therefor implement. However, the popularity of this book outshines my personal opinion.

  • Awaken The Giant Within: How to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny: Anthony Robbins

No list of goal setting books could be created without some reference to Tony Robbins. Tony represents a true blue American approach to goal setting. His personal development empire is the worlds largest and it sets the signature tune for many in the market place to follow. This book was consumed by me via audible format and I found Tony’s natural enthusiasm as inspiring as ever.

  • Building companies to last: Successful habits of visionary companies: Jim Collins

This is the book that introduces the world to the formal concept of BHAG (big hairy audacious goals). Although the book still receives some critisim over the selected company choices listed in his book, Jim started a movement and demonstrated a concept and strategy that can be relevant and deployed to any business within its goal setting.

Reading on the beach on holiday

  • Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation: Gabriele Oettingen

WOOP—Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan has made significant impacts to many lives through its data supported methods. Simply a must read for business leaders and personal development readers.

  • The Goal: Eliyahu Goldratt

This book reads as a novel and has proven popular with global sales. Moving between work and personal lives this concentrates on the theory of constraints in an easy digestible form.

Additional Thoughts and resources

I hope you enjoyed the list. What is your Top10 goal setting books? Have you had good or other experience with these books? I am very interested to hear your thoughts and comments. Let me know which books you have read and send me a message on your thoughts as you run through the list. Have a great time absorbing the material in these books, reflecting and most importantly implementing their tips for your success.

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Most of these books can be found from your local library or Ebay books, Audible , Kindle , Amazon,  Barnes and Noble , or this list of 15 online services

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